Opening Prayer
Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide your time together.
Review Group Member Commitments (explain any as needed):
- We do our part to create a safe environment.
- We listen to each other.
- We commit to share our lives with one another.
- We direct each other to God for the solutions to our problems.
- We resolve conflict.
Review from Last Week
- Did last week’s discussion impact how you live in any way?
Hook into God’s Word
- What are some of the differences between our definitions of justice and God’s definition of justice?
- Ask someone in the group to read 2 Thessalonians 1:6-12.
Digging Into Thessalonians
- Why do you think “God considers it just to repay with affliction those who afflict you”?
- Why does Paul mention “relief”? Isn’t repaying their tormenters enough?
- What does the return of Jesus look like for unbelievers?
- What does the return of Jesus look like for believers?
- What do you think verse 12 means when it says that “our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him”?
A Companion Story
- Ask someone in the group to read Luke 16:19-31.
- Do you find more in common with the unnamed rich man or Lazarus? Why?
- Why is it so hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven?
- Do you think the rich man was repentant when he called out to Abraham? Why or why not?
- Why do you think even a resurrection would not proof enough for those who “do not listen to Moses and the Prophets”?
Application Questions*:
- Who are some people you know who “do not know God” or “obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus”?
- How does Paul’s prayer in 2 Thess. 1:11-12 compare to the prayers you typically pray?
Closing Prayer
- Share prayer requests and pray for each other.
Preparation for Next Week
- Passage for next week: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
*feel free pick and choose or to add your own questions